“At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling!”

Chakrata Hill Station
Chakrata Hill Station

Chakrata hill station has always been on the list of places I wanted to experience at least once.

And with the growing popularity of one of India’s most precious treasure land, all I was waiting for was the right time and opportunity for me to go visit it.

The two major things I planned on doing when visiting chakrata hill station was – Experiencing Tiger Falls and Visiting Deoban.

We had a couple of days off due to Dussehra a few days back, I saw this as an opportunity knocking.

So, I have one of the most cool and travel-loving parents anyone could ask for. We instantly planned up a weekend getaway towards Doon and visiting Chakrata.

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Let’s Discuss the major reason why you should not miss an opportunity to visit chakrata hill station when you get one!

Journey towards Doon

Dehradun to Chakrata Hill Station
Onwards Chakrata

Growing up I thought there was something off about me. Since when my friends or classmates talked about cars and bikes and other technological stuff, all that went into my mind was something different, usually.

I did not have a knack for this kind of stuff ever. I had thoughts about the space, ghosts, other worldly stuff, movies, and so on.

We had a vehicle and I loved to travel in it to places – both far and near – but it wasn’t something that was unique to me, you know.

Then came 2020 and I learned to drive – for the first time – a four wheeler.

It took me a while to get it straight, but once I was confident enough, I realized I might not have a knack for the automobiles and other such stuff, but driving really does fascinate me.

When something fascinates you like that, you tend to appear more and more confident in doing the thing, right? That’s exactly what happened. I love to drive – anywhere anyone wants to go – I would gladly take them – both near, far (wherever you are!).

So now, whenever we go about planning a road trip, I am always the one to want to drive the most! It really makes me feel something unique.

Aight, so we hopped on our XL6 towards Dehradun and the journey began.

It took us almost twelve hours to reach Doon (including several stops for food, washroom breaks, etc.).

Towards Uttarakhand’s Unfeigned Treasure – Chakrata Hill Station

The distance of Dehradun is approximately 87 km from Chakrata and it takes around 3 hours to reach the destination.

If you plan on coming from NCR, chakrata hill station distance from delhi is about 350 kilometers.

Chakrata Hill Station Road Trip
Road trip to Chakrata Hill Station

The hilly town of Chakrata is situated wonderfully in between two pious rivers called Yamuna and Tons and is hidden from the nasty world outside with the help of several oak and coniferous and deodar trees along with a wide landscape of the Himalayas.

You could also find large fields of red rhododendron in the small cantonment town.

You may find plenty opportunities if you happen to be a bird watcher here in Chakrata.

NOTE – If you are not an Indian citizen, you would need permission from Commandant 22 Force c/o 56 APO to get inside.

In 1869, the British Indian Army first took control over the area, and ever since it has been under the control of the Army. Several combat trainings are held here during the year.

You will realize when you entered into Chakrata by looking at the army men jogging their way up or down hill through the sidewalks.

Towards Deoban by TravelSole

Chakrata hill station looks prepossessing all the time of an year, but it is the winters when the magic has been casted over the land.

Hema, the owner of a small local food-stop in the middle of the calming town of Chakrata with the panoramic views of the icy ranges of Himachal Pradesh at the backdrop told us that “Winter is coming and it will cover Chakrata with a comfy-cushiony and thick layer of snow. Some people even call it a magical experience!

The first signs of the arrival of winters is when the local villagers happen to take their cattle down the hill.

Deoban – A Natural Hike Opportunity for Chakrata Hill Station Travellers

Our major stop was not Chakrata, but a place approximately 12 kilometers upwards – a place referred to as “God’s Own Forest” or Deoban (Dev (God) – Van (Forest)). (Not to be confused with God’s Own Country).

We didn’t get an opportunity to perform the hike or experience the place due to it being a short trip, but there’s no reason you can’t!

Chakrata Hill Station
Chakrata Hill Station to Deoban Forest

Surrounded by the dense deodar forest with an exciting opportunity for a hike within nature’s lap, Deoban is a must visit place for everyone coming to Chakrata.

Trekkers and Hiking enthusiasts will have a blast here! With the height of 2200 to 3025 meters above sea level, the natural hike through the dense forests, the adventurous trail, the scenic landscape of the Himalayan ranges and the history associated with it’s highest peak – the Vyas Shikhar.

Vyas Shikhar, the highest point in Deoban, is believed to be the point where the legendary sage and author Ved Vyasa wrote the Hindu epic Mahabharata.

Deoban is spreading across the country and slowly becoming a popular tourist destination for the domestic travellers. And why not?

Chakrata Hill Station
Deodar Trees | Chakrata Hill Station

I mean what’s not to love – the hike is just like the movies (except for a hoard of ugly cannibalistic creatures trying to grab hold of you so they don’t have to look for dinner anymore) or maybe it does happen, and that’s an adventure of a different kind, right!!

How to not get involved with these kind of monsters, you ask? Well, just make sure you don’t take the Wrong Turn! (#moviefreak)

There is a stay option amidst the forests in the form of the Deoban Forest Rest House. The roads leading to it are not really paved and filled with small stones and rocks throughout, so you need to be careful if you have a vehicle.

It is a great place for a camping experience amongst the wild.

Note that the rest house does not provide you with the camping gear, you may check out this best seller portable tent from amazon if you want.

Checkout this must have best camping equipment checklist if you plan to head outskirts!

Budher Caves – Pandavas’ Hiding Point

About 28 kilometers from Deoban, is another interesting trekking opportunity in the form of the Budher Caves.

Chakrata Hill Station
Budher Caves near Chakrata Hill Station

Also known as the Miola Caves since they were first discovered by a German called Miola, the Budher caves till date remains to be a very lesser known point in the already less travelled Chakrata Hill Station in the Dehradun district.

It is believed that during the Mahabharata-era, when the Pandavas had to escape after their castle was set on fire, they travelled through the forests and Budher caves were actually built by the five brothers to use as a hideout.

Most people travelling to Chakrata don’t know about the place, so the Budher Caves experience is still not a well-known thing to do in Chakrata Hill Station.

Standing at the height of approximately 2500m above sea level, a beautiful green meadow waits for the explorers. The cave entrance is located here.

The meadow or the Miola Tibba (as it is referred as) surrounds a wonderous Shiva Temple which is also known as “the temple of fairies“.

With the incredible panoramic view of the Himalayan ranges surrounding the green meadow, the experience is other-worldly.

The one you’ve been waiting for – The Tiger Falls Experience

People visit the Chakrata Hill Station mostly not because it’s an army training town, or because of the trekking opportunities nearby, but primarily because they want to experience the roaring tiger falls.

Tiger Falls is the most popular, most exciting and most incredible experiences we and thousands of people have when arriving at the destination.

Tiger falls has lots to offer – a scenic road leading towards the falls, a great moderate trekking experience and the FALLS itself!

Tiger Falls at Chakrata Hill Station

We reached their straight from Deoban after having a small halt near the small cafƩ.

Before I get to the experience of the falls, there is one thing which I need to tell you.

So the route when you reach the Tiger Falls area, is a very steep road. It is highly and greatly recommended that you park your vehicles at the Parking area of the falls and trek downwards.

We learned it the hard way as we were told that the road has been extended now and cars can go all the way down nearer to the falls.

But the experience from the parking spot towards the falls stairs in the vehicle on the steep trembling road, was really, really messed up!

The slope was unreal, the rocks and small stones paved the way throughout, most of the times the four wheelers had two side tires on the road while the other two touching the slope.

And when there’s a stupid hoard of drivers just coming at you while knowing the road, there’s nothing much to do other than reverse.

Even after you reach your destination after going through hell, another challenge comes when you want to leave.

The slope is so steep that only an experienced driver who knows how to handle the vehicle can carry it upwards. We saw many people trying at least three to four times before making it through.

All our heads were stressed due to the jumping-japang the route took us through.

But it all disappeared, like someone cast a magic spell, when we heard the sound and caught a glimpse of the majestic Tiger Falls.

chakrata hill station
Tiger Falls

I have never experienced a fall that fast, that majestic and that adventurous ever before! The tiger falls stood by it’s name and roared the hell out to the world!

The falls was at full power, so much so, that just merely walking from one side to another in front of it made us covered with water like someone put a bucket full of it on top of us!

It took seconds, at most, to get my light colored t-shirt a darker tone!

The experience was majestic, just looking at the falls doing its thing was all that I desired at the moment.

Like everything started to fade away. All the people around, all the sounds, all the thoughts – just stopped and faded away. All I could think of was just how incredibly amazing the falls is.

A large streak of water falling at a great speed and from a great height (50m) – the Tiger Falls was the most majestic experience I had in my years of travelling.

I experienced what’s so difficult in this time on this world – I experienced a sense of healing – like the darkness we have inside of us – the demons in our heads – it all started to get clear just by looking at the falls.

Travel does that to you, it heals!

chakrata hill station
Hill Station of Chakrata

Other than the falls, there is plenty of room for other peaceful things to do in Tiger falls at the Chakrata Hill Station – like sitting over the large rocks and dipping down your feet into the cold waters, so many different kinds of photography opportunities and locals having a picnic spots experience nearby.

The cantonment town of Chakrata Hill Station in Uttarakhand is an outstanding place with incredible experiences and adventures just sitting their waiting for people to indulge in.

For me the experience of this tour of Chakrata from Dehradun was one of the most cherished memories that I have of travel.

Travel always does something unique to you – when you really think about it.

Travel made me learn so much – about myself, the world, the people around – even in my short journey of travelling.

Chakrata is a highly recommended destination for every Indian who visits any place nearby. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, adventure lover, bird watcher, natural wanderer or just a lover of travel – you shall not miss the places mentioned in the blog.

If you want to know more about the Chakrata Travel Tips, etc., you can comment down below or mail us your queries at the contact page.

That’s All Folks!

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