“The night is the darkest just before dawn“
– The Dark Knight
The festival of lights is here and everyone is busy in preparation of the festival. The biggest and most important festival for Hindus, Diwali signifies the victory of good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. But did you know that it also signifies new beginnings? It’s a time for new beginnings, be it a new job or a fresh start with someone you love. There are several reasons why we celebrate Diwali, but the most important one is to usher in prosperity and good health.
The festival of lights, the celebration of light’s victory over darkness, the homecoming of Rama- if you happen to be born and brought up in a country full of incredible stories, the story of the epic Ramayana must have been told to you quite a several times during those bed time thingies!
A tale of an honorable and noblest of man, his wife and his brother fighting their own battles against the Darkness. And winning at the end.

That is what Diwali stands for – victory of Good over Evil. As per the epic goes, it was the day when Ayodhya-vasis lit up diyas and candles and decorated the streets and houses to welcome back Rama, Laxmana and Sita after they defeated the demon king Ravana.
I have had a knack for stories – all kinds – since childhood. Maa used to tell me those stories of kings and their kingdom and the tales lost in time.
Diwali is definitely a fascinating Indian festival, for me and for thousands of others. Maybe for different reasons, but you get the point.
So this is not going to be a post telling you what you already know about the festival of lights – the story, the significance, the way of celebration and other such stuff.
This is just a #hearttoheart about why this festival in particular seems to be to a different tale – a different feeling – a different vibe.
Childhood Diwali Celebration

I have a strong feeling that everything around us – the universe – changes or grows with us – somehow.
Like during our childhood, Diwali was more about the firecrackers, the sweets, the small city tours to view the light decorations around town.
I remember we had this one small shop near home and that was exactly the one we went to get our favorite crackers from – year after year.
Rockets, Chakris, Anaar, and the bombs – burning the crackers was one of the most ultimate things for us kids, right? It made us happy to such an extent.
But as we grew, Diwali grew with us.
Travelling in Diwali
As we grew, the festival of lights became more about a holiday – just like any other. A day to relax. A day to be stress free for a while.

Do you think it is inevitable, by the way? The stress which comes with growing up?
It became a festival where we were less concerned about getting those unique firecrackers for the night, and more so to plan a holiday or getaway to different cities around the country or even outside.
Sometime I feel maybe I didn’t choose travel, I mean no one can choose it. It chooses you. The universe makes the opportunity – you just have to grab on it.
Diwali, for me, became a festival where we plan out a travel – or a family get together.
Mostly people get an extended weekend during the diwali holidays, for which they plan up a great trip to anywhere around – with friends and family.
But the transition from childhood to this “whatever” hood was not challenging at all – like it did not seem stressful, right? It feels like we just happened to change – to grow up?
The festival of lights is here!
Diwali is here. Once again. To light up the world around you. And to light up the world inside.
There’s a thing about Diwali which is outstanding.
In a world where people are trying and failing to conquer the deep fears inside them, the darkness in their thoughts, the demons inside their head… comes a festival that makes them feel that light can reach the darkest of corners and defeat it – from the inside out.
All they got to do, is look for it.
Diwali happens to take place on the darkest of night in the whole year – the night of the new moon or Amavasya.
The scene that fascinates me to a major extent about this day except for the sweets, the people, the crackers and the incredible fireworks show, is the one where the sky is darker than it could possibly be – while the earth is lit – both with lights as well as the illuminating souls of happy people on this auspicious occasion.
A perfect blend of light and dark, good and bad.
And when the fireworks happen, it signifies the victory of the good (light) over the evil (dark).
Happiest Diwali to Everyone Reading This!

Concluding the #hearttoheart blog post about the fascinating festival of lights, all that I would say is Diwali is a festival where you can reminisce your childhood memories and can wake the child inside you – up.
Always remember, there is a child inside all of us – sometimes hidden in the deep corners of our mind – ready to be in control for time to time. Do not ever let the child be lost in the darkness.
On this Diwali 2021, I wish upon the stars to lead all of you outside of your own darkness and into a life full of happiness, peace, prosperity and liveliness. I wish everyone reading this, a very happy diwali 2021!
That’s All Folks!
[…] over evil. That day, Deepavali was celebrated for the first time ever. The day we know today as the festival of lights in […]
Yes you are absolutely right dear never let age extinguish our inner child. Good blog👍
[…] time we went there – during the festival of lights – it was one of those times when hoards of people come here from all over India and around to […]
[…] But what makes it much more interesting is that where the other great festival called Diwali (the festival of lights) is celebrated at night, Holi is a festival of the […]