WE’RE MARRIED!! Finally!

And it is an absolutely dreamy feeling to live in. We have wanted this to happen ever since the time we actually sorted our minds of all the darkness and decided to give Love a chance.

Life Lessons After Marriage
Finally, Married! | Life Lessons After Marriage

We were clear from the start, and maybe that’s old school for some, but it was never a fling or anything that the trendy Gen follows. Maybe we were too sure to try all that. Or maybe too scared to loose what we had built together: the trust and an unbreakable bond of friendship. And maybe, that is what powers us. That is our superpower – friendship, before anything else.

After about a week of getting married, amidst all the rituals, living together & experiencing life together, we learned a few things as well.

And today, we reflect on those 7 lessons we learned as newly weds on the first week after getting married.

Day 1: An Unexpected Delight | Lesson #1: Embracing Generosity

Our journey as a newly wed couple began with an unexpected surprise – a generous gift from family. A night at the luxurious Hilton Garden Hotel awaited us, complete with rose petal decorations, an absolutely delightful chocolate cake, inclusive dinner and free breakfast.

Life Lessons After Marriage
Hilton Garden Inn Post Wedding Stay

The surprise gift taught us the joy of receiving with gratitude. In the unexpected, we found the beauty of generosity, the love of family & the importance of embracing it all whatever comes our way.

The experience was dream-like as we witnessed the rose petals welcoming us into the lavish room. The delicious delicacies, plenty photo opportunities and the fun moments we experienced together till late at night together. It was a marvelous experience.

Day 2: The Grand Reception | Lesson #2: Love is a Collective Experience

The second day saw us stepping into the spotlight yet again, as we prepped for the evening Reception Ceremony.

Life Lessons After Marriage
Family Dinner @Reception

Surrounded by friends and family once again, we celebrated our union in a very joyous affair filled with laughter, music and heartfelt wishes. The echoes of celebration lingered as we embarked on the next phase of our newlywed adventure.

The day of our reception was a testament to the power of sharing joy with community. The lesson learned was that a marriage is not just a mere union of two souls or individuals, but a celebration that ripples through the circles of family & friends, reinforcing the idea that love is a collective experience.

Day 3-5: Kamasin Rituals | Lesson #3: Nurturing Roots

We had to leave on the third day on a little family road trip towards Kamasin (almost 188km/5 hours away from Lucknow) for a Devi Poojan ritual.

Life Lessons After Marriage
Life Lessons After Marriage

From the rituals to the simplicity of village life, the openness and excitement in all the faces, the fascinating rangoli welcome for the bride, everything came together and immersed us in an authentic and memorable experience.

As we immersed ourselves into the village life, amidst family members, we learned the value of connecting to our roots. As we participated in the temple rituals, danced a little on the beats of the dholak and embraced simplicity, we realized that acknowledging and honoring our heritage contributes to the depth and richness of our shared journey.

Day 6: Unwrapping Love | Lesson #4: Gratitude is a Powerful Force

We returned back home on the sixth day and were greeted by mountain of presents, tokens of love and blessing from near and far.

Life Lessons After Marriage
Life Lessons After Marriage

Gifts are a tangible representation of love surrounding us and it adds a special touch to our newly established home. With utmost excitement, even after reaching home in the middle of the night, we opened each one of those presents, cherishing thoughtful gestures and well-wishes from our dear ones.

Opening presents at home was more than a material experience; it was a lesson in gratitude. Each gift symbolized the love and support from those near and far. We learned that gratitude is a very powerful force which enhances joy of receiving and strengthens the bonds of connection.

Day 7: Family Togetherness | Lesson #5: Cherishing the Present

Finally, the seventh day came around and our first week as a married, crazy couple was dedicated to pure family bliss.

Life Lessons After Marriage
Life Lessons After Marriage

We reveled in a full day spent with our closest relatives, creating memories that would forever hold a special place in our hearts. Laughter, shared meals & the comfort of familial bonds filled the day, marking a perfect conclusion to our eventful first week.

The final day dedicated to family underscored the importance of cherishing the present moment. Amidst all those shared moments and meals, we learned that family time is a precious gift that nourishes the soul and reminds us the love that surrounds us.

Lesson #6: Effective Communication is Key

Amidst the tapestry of our first week as a married couple, effective communication emerged as a vital thread weaving through each moment we spent together.

Life Lessons After Marriage
Life Lessons After Marriage

Whether navigating delightful surprises or delving into discussions about our cultural experiences, we recognized the transformative power of openly sharing our feeling and thoughts together.

This foundation of communication between us became a bridge that deepened our connection, fostering a fascinating mutual understanding that laid the groundwork for a resilient and harmonious partnership.

Lesson #7: Friendship is Our Unwavering Superpower

As we experienced everything that came our way during these seven days after marriage, one lesson stood prominently, more so than the others: our friendship is an unparalleled superpower.

Life Lessons After Marriage
Friendship as a Superpower | Life Lessons After Marriage

This realization manifested itself amidst the silly argument or a minor disagreement, affirming that our friendship serves as a resilient anchor in the ebb and flow of daily life.

Throughout the laughter and joy of shared experiences, as well as the challenges which might test your patience, we have always agreed to never lose the spark that made us whatever we are: friendship!

In moments of disagreement, we found solace in the comfort of our friendship that surpasses any temporary discord. Our ability to navigate even the most trivial disagreements with understanding and a shared sense of humor showcased the strength embedded in the foundation of our relationship.

Conclusion – Life Lessons After Marriage

In just seven days, our marriage journey unfolded with lessons that extend far beyond the surface.

These foundational principles of embracing surprises, celebrating love, connecting with roots, expressing gratitude, cherishing family time, practicing effective communication and understanding the superpower of friendship – are the pillars upon which we will build a resilient and fulfilling life together.

Stay tuned as we embark further on this journey of a lifetime, together – with all of you.

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That’s All Folks!

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  1. It’s heartening to see how the first week of our marriage has been a transformative journey, really we learned different lessons on these 7 days, especially we learned to handle family & our love together and that’s possible because of our friendship. Wishing us a lifetime of happiness and togetherness as we celebrate our relationship. Cheers to a beautiful future!

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