Showing: 51 - 60 of 63 RESULTS
Maharashtra Travel Guide

Unique Guide to Murud Janjira Fort | Is Murud a Worthy Alternative to Goa?

Murud Janjira Fort is surrounded by the incredible Arabian Sea from all sides and has a reputation to be known as “a nearly unconquerable island-fort”.

This grabbed my attention and I researched about it to create a completely Unique Guide to Murud Janjira Fort and the things to do and places you can venture to if you ever find yourself in the small village of Murud.

South America

Why The Rainbow Mountains in Peru is a Must Visit for Everyone ?!

 “It’s important to remember that we all have MAGIC inside of us” – J.K Rowling The world is straight-out fascinating. The most beautiful places you will find in your travels will most of the time be the ones created by nature. The mountains, the beaches, the islands, the waterfalls, those incredible gorges, and so much …